目前分類:LEGO 樂高 (12)

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LEGO 5581 超級休旅車


LEGO Model Team

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LEGO 6989 Mega Core Magnetizer



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LEGO 5590 Helicopter Trailer

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當官兵正在歡樂開PARTY時~  海盜早已蠢蠢欲動!


快進來觀看吧! ^ ^ 好戲上場!

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LEGO 10173-010.JPG 


  利用等待 101 煙火的時間,開了一盒新樂高 LEGO 10173 假期火車來組,這組火車包含車頭總共有六節,配色主要是以聖誕節的綠色和紅色為主,蠻有西洋過節的味道!



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 這次要介紹的是機場系列以及太空梭系列,這兩款都是屬於樂高城市系列,也算是經典款之一;機場這一組的樂高編號是 LEGO 10159,是大約在2005年時購入的復刻版,過去的機場的樂高有個特色,那就是會附有非常多塊底板,配合建築物組合起來,就像是真的機場一樣,我常常手拿著飛機由高空往下降落到底板的跑道上,嘴裡模擬著那轟隆隆的引擎聲,想像著飛機landing的情景!

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LEGO 6381 + LEGO 6395

分別是 LEGO 6381 以及 LEGO 6395 ,

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LEGO  Octan series

在這個系列中, 我目前收集到了 :

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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
樂高 LEGO 6358, LEGO 6389 消防救援系列

It is the start of my life with LEGO.....
LEGO 6389 Fire Control Center 是我人生中的第一組樂高, 大概是在我五歲的時候, 媽媽買給我的 ^ ^
大約是民國七十九年左右吧! 在那個時候, 電視遊樂器還沒那麼盛行, 小孩子過年時最喜歡的就是到百貨公司,

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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

克隆兵: it would be wise of you if you surrounder and give up
cause i have strong back-up as you can see behind me,
so make your decision ...

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        Wealth is something that every pursue for, it is not that easy to get satisfation for wealth. There exists two kinds of people, the pirates and the soldiers.  Traditionally,  poeple always think that the pirates always rob someone of the wealth while the soldiers always play the role of justice and alway protect the people from being invaded. So poeple hates the pirates.

     Somehow, i did not agree at all. I believe that there do exists another kind of pirates. I called them the corsairs. The difference between the pirates and corsairs is that the corsairs pursue the treasure by themself. The treasure might located at some unknown islands. They take adventure to find the gold. They belong to the ocean. They create the legend story. They are "corsair" .

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